Review by Ian Delia

Marvels ludicrous superhero is back and exceeding expectations in Deadpool 2. This new blockbuster will not disappoint with his intense action. And, with a comical twist on his “immortal powers” mixed with the today’s issues in this film.

We all go through a lot in our lives. We all lose people close to us. The tragic part is losing someone with who you are madly in love. Sadly for Deadpool, he has loses one of his loves in the film. Some people take loss in different ways. But as for Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds), he does something that you wouldn’t expect. In the first Deadpool movie, he was offered a spot on the X-Men team, but denied the request. Now in the state of despair, he takes the offer to join to get revenge.

In Deadpool 1 there were only two superhero’s, Colossus (Stefan Kapicic) and Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand). In this sequel once Deadpool joins the X-Men, he has a larger group of mutants to work with. This team is known as “X-Force”.  It includes Domino (Zazie Beetz) with the power of luck, Vanisher (Brad Pitt) with the power of invisibility, Bedlam (Terry Crews) generating electromagnetic pulse energy, Zeitgeist (Bill SkarsgÃ¥rd) who spits acid and Peter (Rob Delaney) a normal everyday man with no powers. He just wants to be a part of a team, any team.

The team gets created to take down the enemy and you may be surprised who the writers chose. It’s a villain gifted with futuristic technology to travel through time. You probably already know if you saw the trailer.  Cable (Josh Brolin) an anti-hero comes to present day to liberate his family by defeating the current day enemy of his clan. It’s the first time the comic book villain has been included in the current Marvel movie community.

Stopping villains doesn’t mean that you have to kill them, but you can save them from getting their first taste of blood. After their first kill however, a chain reaction begins into a life of slaying. This is what the X-Force attempts to do, change the chain reaction fueling inside each villain to save the planet.

The special effects in this one are over the top adding the powers of the new X-Force and other very cool scenes. And the sound track is kick-ass with a lot of hot music during the exciting action scenes.  But, be cautioned there’s a LOT of profanity in the lyrics and nothing is held back.  Stay for the end credits for a couple of laughs and surprises.

Audience review: (The following is a compilation of those teens who had comments about Deadpool 2 following a screening) “Deadpool 2 is hands down a great movie.” “The way I would explain the movie is like the first Deadpool movie, but with more comedy, action, plot twists and best of all portraying Deadpool as the character he really is; insane.” “Deadpool is a character best described as a psychologically mentally insane person, but humorous and very loved. Although they did not really portray him that way in the first movie, but in the second one they did a great job to bring that side of Deadpool to life in this sequel.” “I like the way introduced a character that has not been in any marvel movie ever. The character is well known within’ the comics, but never was implemented into any movie until now. Something I found strange in the movie though was that Stan Lee did not have a part in the movie as he always does. Did I miss something?”

Deadpool 2 has been rated R for its sex, nudity, violence, gore, profanity, alcohol and drugs. My assessment overall? (4.5 out of 5 stars)

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