Our Review Critics
If you are looking for one of the longest film review websites, Your Entertainment Ticket is it. With over 20,000+ reviews, we have a proven team.
Reviews of new movies, television shows, classic and art films, foreign films, and onstage productions. See the latest by our contributors to help you determine what is worthy to see in theaters or at home.
Al McGhee is our Movie critic for video reviews. He also conducts most interviews, in-person and online.
John Delia is our online critic, he handles most written reviews on our website, while doing South Florida Event reviews.
We provide multi-language content of the film industry from the view of an outsider, insider and participant.
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Bossman McGhee gives excellent interviews.
Cool Reviews, all the best!
Excellent reviews, my friend. Diolch from Wales
Toby Ximenez