thebaaderheinhofcomplex_smallposter2Starring: Moritz Bleibtreu, Martina Gedrek and Johanna Vokalek

Directed by: Uli Edel

MPAA Rating: R for strong bloody violence, disturbing images, sexual content, graphic nudity and language.

Genre: Docudrama, Art/Foreign

In German with English Subtitles

Release Date: November 2009

By John Delia

Completely engrossed is the only way I can describe my seeing The Baader Meinhof Complex.  The film is based on a true story that shows the effects of terrorism and the determination of left-wing extremists.  Insightful yet despotic the film made me cringe at times seeing the lengths and means terrorists will go to make their point.  It’s an astonishing film that reaches deep into the gut of an activist group that really changed Germany over a ten-year span starting in the late 60’s and brought the meaning of terrorism to the forefront.

Baader-Meinhof cell attacks German offical
Baader-Meinhof cell attacks German offical

In June of 1967, left-wing journalist Ulrike Meinhof (Gedeck) was shocked after seeing a violent demonstration in Berlin involving a riot instigated by the Shaw of Iran’s sympathizers and backed by the German police.  During the melee hundreds of German students were clubbed, beaten and shot by their own police.  Totally outraged, and with her marriage disintegrating she moves to Berlin to find out more about why her government did not protect their people.  While there she interviews Gudrun Ensslin (Vokalek) and realizes that there are others that are anti-authoritarian and anti-capitalist like her.

Gedeck as Meinhoff, Bleibtreu as Baader
Gedeck as Meinhoff, Bleibtreu as Baader

She becomes active with the protesters after meeting Andreas Baader (Moritz Bleibtreu) and gets quickly involved in their quest to fight against those who are oppressive and imperialistic.  Together with Baader and Ensslin she founds the Red Army Faction (RAF) and they start a terrorist army that robs banks, assassinates political subjects, kidnappings and other deadly acts that make headlines in Germany and the world.  But, it goes even further as from their prison cells the leaders of RAF reach out even further in their radical mission to be heard.

The discerning true story is brought to the screen under the excellent direction of Uli Edel.  Mixing actual accounts with live footage the film

Writer/Director Uli Edel (Left) on set
Writer/Director Uli Edel (Left) on set

becomes attention grabbing and gripping.  Using brilliant actors to provide the performances that make their characters real and chilling, Edel enhances the entertainment and historical experience.

The Baader Meinhof Complex is rated R for strong bloody violence, disturbing images, sexual content, graphic nudity and language. Be cautioned that the original release’s opening scene does show nudity that involves minors and is unnecessary to the plot.

FINAL ANALYSIS: A powerful film with disconcerting affects. (4.5 of 5 Palm Trees)

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