Cast: Henry Hopper, Mia Wasikowska and Ryō Kase

Directed by: Gus Van Sant

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for thematic elements and brief sensuality

Genre: Drama, Romance

Running Time: 1hr 31min

Distributed by: Sony Pictures Classics



By John Delia


Moody and broody Restless radiates with a weird and wonderful romance between an orphaned teen and a cancer victim who accidentally meet at a funeral.  The tragic little love story sucked me in from the opening scene and I became an onlooker of their fateful life.  Sometimes bizarre, often strange Restless is the rare kind of film that only independent filmmakers can provide.


Annabel (Mia Wasikowska) gives her first kiss to Enoch (Henry Lee Hopper)

Restless centers on Enoch (Henry Hopper), a teenager who dropped out of the normal social stream due to a horrific accident that took the lives of his parents. Not able to have a funeral due to the way they died, he attends other stranger’s memorial services to make up for it.  Using his phantom friend Hiroshi (Ryō Kase) for companionship and advice, Enoch makes it through each day.  On one occasion at a funeral attended by cancer patients from a local hospital he meets Annabel (Mia Wasikowska) a beautiful girl who finds Enoch interesting.  When the two decide to make a relationship, Enoch realizes that he will have to deal with death once again.


The sad little love story Restless could only be  directed by Gus Van Sant the master of the morose (To Die For, Paranoid Park, Elephant) who takes on death in this quirky dark romantic drama.  I like the way Van Sant introduces his subjects as if they are just browsing with death.  His Enoch has lost touch with normalcy and searches for something or someone who can give his life meaning.  His parental loss has been a heavy burden to carry and while he gets a respite by attending funerals, it’s not enough to keep him going. 


Annabel and Enoch look for a train to nowhere

Annabel on the other hand has accepted her fate and although it’s not a voyage she wants to take, she moves through life tolerant of whatever may come.  Never having a boy’s affections and not wanting to miss a chance before she dies, Enoch becomes her outlet.  The pairing is perfect and Van Sant delivers his sad story all wrapped up in a dreary blanket that for Enoch has no ‘final’ warmth.


The beautiful Wasikowska and handsome Hopper are perfect for their roles.  As the blossoming Annabel, Wasikowska shines, no radiates.  So much so however, that you are hard-pressed to want to accept that she will soon die. Hopper makes his character emotionally drained over the loss of his parents and not being able to attend their funerals.  He’s turned himself into a lost sole and Hopper makes me a believer.  When the two become close, both actors expend their chemistry for each other like lovers who will never be separated, not even in death.

Restless is rated PG-13 for thematic elements and brief sensuality. Although quite dark and moody, the film should be okay for mature teens.


FINAL ANALYSIS: A very good drama of rare quality. (B)





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