Directed by: Davis Guggenheim
MPAA Rating: PG for mild thematic elements, brief language and smoking.
Genre: Documentary and Musical/Performing Arts
By John Delia
Watching It Might Get Loud and listening to the amazing sounds for the awesome guitars of Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page, U2’s The Edge and Jack White was entertaining and enjoyable. For those who have an interest in rock music, the documentary is a must see.
The film shows the involvement of the electric guitar thorough the eyes and actions of three of the top artists of the instrument from their early years up to today. It tells their personal stories of three generations of electric guitar virtuosos revealing how each of the musicians developed his unique playing and style. During the film we are treated to a special meeting of the three as they talk about the guitar, rock music and have a jam session.
It was interesting to see these icons of the business. Not being a huge fan of the rock music of U2 or Led Zeppelin, I was expecting a barrage of loud guitar sounds bursting my eardrums, but it turned out to be more of an electrical experience. While Jack White was more of my cup of tea, I had to admit The Edge and Page provided a thrill I had never felt before from rock.
I liked the way director Guggenheim mixed in old home movies showing the early years of the musicians. It makes the film more personal and fun to watch. I especially liked the scenes of each of the guitarists playing in their first rock band or at a high school assembly.
It Might Get Loud is a must see for rock music fans and good entertainment for anyone who has an interest in the business.
FINAL ANALYSIS: A surprisingly interesting film with a lot of heart. 4 of 5 Palm Trees