capitalism_smallposterStarring: Michael Moore

Directed by: Michael Moore

MPAA Rating: R for some language.

Genre: Documentary

Release Date: October 2009

By John Delia

There is a new film by filmmaker Michael Moore called Capitalism: A Love Story and I found it engrossing, informative and tongue-in-cheek comical.  Unlike his previous efforts that were more political and wishful, Capitalism goes right for the jugular vein of the banking industry for one and the stock market for another.  I recommend this film to anyone who would like to confirm some of their concerns and to those who have had their head in the sand concerning the way our capitalistic country has evolved. The only downside is that the film never really suggests how to fix it

On the 20-year anniversary of Roger & Me, Michael Moore’s Capitalism:

Moore reaches out to our country's capitol
Moore reaches out to our country's capitol

A Love Story comes out with a new issue and a rehash of his initial film that made him a household word.  In this documentary he continues the fight that he has been championing throughout his career: the disastrous impact of corporate dominance on the everyday lives of Americans (and by default, the rest of the world).

But this time the culprit is much bigger than General Motors, and the crime scene far wider than Flint, Michigan. From Middle America, to the halls of power in Washington, to the global financial epicenter in Manhattan, Michael Moore once again takes filmgoers into uncharted territory.

Moore trying to get in to see a bank president
Moore trying to get in to see a bank president

With both humor and outrage Moore explores a taboo question: What is the price that America pays for its love of capitalism?  According to Moore it is looking more like a nightmare as job loss has risen, Americans are loosing their homes and bottoming out savings accounts.  For those who have become a victim of this crisis it’s a shame and Moore gives us a peek into the homes of those that have been turned upside down.

Moore uses bullhorn to make a statement
Moore uses bullhorn to make a statement

The film follows Moore as he goes looking for explanations in Washington, DC, Wall Street, AIG and the banks.  In a humorous scene Michael stands outside the Bank of America building with a bullhorn asking the bailed out bank to return the money to the people.  Holding an empty sack with a nearby armored car ready, he asks the bank to drop the money from the windows and he will return it to the taxpayers for them.

Capitalism: A Love Story is also emotional and shows people who have been devastated from the economy that was built on capitalism.  In one poignant scene he takes a walk with his aging father to an empty field that was once the spark plug factory in Flint, Michigan.  Sadly Moore remembers picking up his dad after work here in better days.

His finger pointed at big business, banks and the government who have caused America to suffer, Moore says that we should not be capitalist but return to Democracy.

FINAL ANALYSIS: An excellent film for every American to see and ponder over. (5 of 5 Palm Trees)

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